School Safety Track: Insights from a Sandy Hook Parent and a National Crisis Responder

Webinar: November 12th. 12 - 1pm CST.
When Michele Gay sent her daughter off to Sandy Hook Elementary on December 14, 2012, she never imagined it would be for the last time. In the months since that fateful day, Michele has worked with other parents affected by the tragedy and leading experts in the field of school safety to found Safe and Sound Schools, a nonpartisan nonprofit organization. Among other things, Safe and Sound has created the “Straight A School Safety” model and an associated collection of toolkits that helps schools reframe their school safety efforts around this model. Together with school crisis response and mental health expert Dr. Scott Poland, Michele will share lessons learned from recent incidents of school violence at our free webinar. All school administrators should attend this professional development presentation to learn about school safety and crisis response as well as ways they can be improved.
For information on the webinar and to register click here
If you would like to schedule Michelle Gay to present at your organization or for your next event contact the VPA at